Who We Are

Let’s face it, navigating high stakes exams and the admissions process can be overwhelming. Whether you want to increase your test score, write a stand-out essay, or manage the application process like a pro, we’ll leverage our leading expert advisors, cutting-edge prep tools and proven strategies to prepare you for bigger results, faster.

Subject Area Experts

All of our tutors have attended and received degrees from top-tier universities, where they spent years mastering the subjects they teach. No matter how complicated a topic may be, they’re here to help you understand and, ultimately, excel.

Testing Pros

Our teaching materials were crafted by experts who mastered these standardized test as students. Tutors leverage proven strategies and extensive experience working with thousands of students to get you your target score and into your top choice schools.

Experienced at Teaching

We’re not just good at taking tests. PrepScholar advisors are also trained educators who personalize their approach with each student to deliver the precise support needed to maximize your results.

We Hire Only the Best

We are unapologetically selective with our hiring standards. PrepScholar advisors not only scored in the 99th percentile and attended the most prestigious universities, but they are trained educators who deliver the precise support you need to be successful.

Our Leadership

Peter Bencivenga

Peter Bencivenga joined PrepScholar as CEO in 2022, bringing his extensive experience and passion for education to further our mission of providing personalized and effective online test preparation programs. Prior to PrepScholar, Peter was the President of Operoo, working towards supporting students, teachers, and school communities worldwide with their workflow management needs. He also served as the Chief Academic Officer of IO Education.

Peter has a rich and diverse background in the field of education and technology. After teaching high school for over a decade in New York City public schools and working on technical integration initiatives for the NYC Department of Education, he co-founded DataCation in 2009.

Allen Cheng

Allen got perfect scores on both the SAT and ACT and leads product design and teaching at PrepScholar. From his own teaching and educational career, Allen noticed how most education, especially test prep, is too one-size-fits-all to be effective. He co-founded PrepScholar to bring you the same approach that’s worked for him — find your weak points and master them with focused practice. Allen loves product design and is passionate about creating the best user experience for PrepScholar users. Allen graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University, where he earned multiple teaching awards.

Fred Zhang

Fred got a perfect score on the SAT and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT, and leads customer outreach and marketing at PrepScholar. Fred mastered the tests by dissecting the test, focusing on his weak spots, and consuming every training material he could find. Fred is passionate about connecting with the PrepScholar user community and using your feedback to improve our product constantly. He also designed the advanced algorithms that pinpoint your weaknesses and tailor your educational program for you. Fred graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor’s in Mathematics and PhD in Economics.