1-on-1 SAT Tutoring

No two students are the same, but many test prep companies have a one-size-fits-all philosophy. PrepScholar tutors carefully tailor their approach for each student, so they can focus their energy on the topics and strategies that will help them reach their goals more quickly.

Monitored Prep

  • 4 Hours of Tutoring
  • Expert Tutor Checkpoints to Review and Provide Tips
  • 40+ Hours of Online Test Prep Practice

Tutor-Led Prep

  • 12 Hours of Tutoring
  • Learning primarily driven by an expert tutor
  • 40+ Hours of Online Test Prep Practice


Full Tutoring Prep

  • 20 Hours of Tutoring
  • Comprehensive 1-on-1 study with an expert tutor
  • 40+ Hours of Online Test Prep Practice

Maximum Tutoring Prep

  • 54 Hours of Tutoring
  • Close personal guidance from an expert tutor
  • 40+ Hours of Online Test Prep Practice

The Perfect Tutor for You

You learn better when your tutor is right for you. Your tutor can’t just be a high scorer; they also need to be a great teacher. 

At PrepScholar, no matter which package you choose, you will always get a premium tutor, who’s a perfect match for you, without having to pay extra.

  • 99th percentile or perfect scorers
  • Passionate, expert teachers with proven teaching skills
  • Graduates from Ivies or Top 20 colleges
  • Expertise in specific test sections (e.g. English/Math) or student needs (e.g. ADHD)
  • Matched to you for a perfect fit

Get a Free Consultation

    Efficient Tutoring that Matches Your Budget

    PrepScholar tutors work closely with you to support your unique needs as a learner. Unlike other companies, our tutors have the advantage of tracking your progress in the SAT Test Prep program between sessions, so they can adjust your learning plan in real-time with lessons that target specific areas where you can improve. That way, every minute of your tutoring is focused on building understanding and skills that will improve your score.

    Depending on your target score, studying habits, and general preference, you can determine how much time you’d like to work with a tutor to meet your goals. On average, students spend about 40 hours preparing for the test with the SAT Test Prep program and sessions with their tutors.

    We recommend spreading out your tutoring sessions and online practice between your start date and test date so that your prep plan looks something like this:

    4 and 12 hours of tutoring:

    Self Study

    Tutor Study

    Self Study

    Tutor Study

    Self Study

    20 and 54 hours of tutoring:

    Tutor Study

    Self Study

    Tutor Study

    Self Study

    Tutor Study

    We Raise Your Score, Guaranteed

    We’ve tutored over a thousand students, and we know our methods work. That’s why we guarantee an increase of at least 160 SAT points after working with us. If you don’t see that increase, we’ll completely refund your Automated Prep program and provide you all the hours of tutoring you started with, absolutely free. See full terms and conditions.

    Try it Risk-Free

    We’re so confident in our tutors and prep program that we offer a satisfaction guarantee. Try the first hour of tutoring and up to 10 hours of our online program and see if our prep is right for you. If you’re not satisfied, let us know and we’ll give you a full, 100% refund of your prep package.

    Also Included: Our adaptive Complete SAT Online Prep program

    When you sign up for tutoring, you’ll receive full access to the PrepScholar adaptive SAT Test Prep program. It’s individualized just for you and offers thousands of questions, lessons, videos, strategies, practice tests, and progress tracking.

    Step-by-Step Guided Prep

    We’ll give you an easy-to-follow study plan that spells out specific lessons, practice tests, and review materials you should work on between tutoring sessions. 

    Videos to Clarify Hard Concepts

    Interactive lessons include short videos that break down tough content and teach you helpful strategies. See a sample video.

    Create Your Own Quizzes

    Custom quizzes allow you to drill into topics and deepen understanding through detailed explanations.

    Progress Dashboard and Reports

    Your personalized progress dashboard gives you a birds-eye-view of your progression in all 49 SAT skills and a weekly progress report is sent to your inbox.

    Learn more about the Complete SAT Online Prep Course ›

    How Our SAT Tutoring Stacks Up

    Price per Hour
    starts at
    starts at
    starts at
    Not Offered
    4/12/20/54 hrs
    10/18 hrs
    10/20/30/40 hrs
    99th % Tutors
    Point Improvement Guarantee
    Risk-Free Trial
    1-Hour Money Back
    May switch tutor
    7 days
    Supportive Learning Materials
    Adaptive Online Prep
    On-demand videos
    Live online course
    Self-paced course
    Adaptive/Custom Prep
    Practice Questions
    Video Lessons
    Progress Tracking

    From Our Blog:

    How Much Should You Pay for SAT/ACT Tutoring?

    What Do Tutors Actually Do During SAT/ACT Tutoring?

    Is Online Tutoring As Good As In-Person Tutoring For The SAT/ACT?

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